
The 20th anniversary of Cumulus meets was on September 27-28 in Meissendorf (Meido) near Hannover, Germany. There were scrambled CRW teams and a fun competition.

The first bi-plane diamond in Finland was built in Räyskälä. All jumpers used Express or Prodigy mains and they needed only one jump to make it.

Records and events

In the summer, there was a training camp in Perris Valley. Jumpers built a 37-way diamond and the first ever 16-way night diamond. The night jump was made on June 14.

POPS jumpers set a few records during the SCC Boogie in Louisborg, NC. They made 17-, 27- and 28-way diamond records. They also built an all-POPS quadraplane diamond. The last big-way record was done on the fifth of July.

In the middle of July it was heard that the record attempts in France were cancelled.

Jumpers from The Netherlands set a record when they jumped a 27-way diamond. The jump was done in Teuge, in October.

A group of US jumpers organized world record attempts in November. The goal was a 64-way diamond. It succeeded on the first attempt on November 25. The jumpers made three 64-ways in row – all on the same day! The last one had one wrong grip. The next day, they completed a 65-way and finally, on November 29 they completed a 70-way world record! All jumpers used Lightning mains. The organizers of this event were Chris Gay, David Richardson, Mark Gregory and Mike Lewis.


The 10th World Championships in CF were held in Gap, France. The competition was held from September 7 to September 13. For the first time, a Nordic team won medals. ”Romme rotations” from Sweden won bronze in the rotation event. Gold went to Russia again. Sequential and 8-speed gold medalist was France.

Do you know of an interesting piece of CF history that isn’t listed on these pages yet? Contact the author. Even small details would be appreciated.